Mid-Year Examination 2009 - H41B
29April / Wed ->0800-0945 , English Language ( 1189/1 ) , 1h45mins
1015-1045 Recess
1050-1230 , English Language ( 1189/2 ) , 1h40mins
30April / Thur->0800-1000 , Chinese ( 1172/1 ) , Malay ( 1822/1 ) , 2h
1030-1055 , Recess
1100-1230 , Chinese ( 1172/2 ) , Malay ( 1182/2 ) , 1h30mins
1240-1305 , Break
1315-1400 , Mother Tongue Listening Compre , 45mins
7May / Thur ->0815-0945 , Social Studies( 2193/1 ) , 1h30mins
0955-1035 , Recess
1045-1245 , Elementary Maths , 2h
8May / Fri ->0800-0930 , Elective Geography ( 2193/2 ) , 1h30mins
12May / Tue ->0800-0915 , Science ( Physics ) ( 5155/1&2 ) , 1h15mins
0925-1010 , Recess
1015-1130 , Science ( Chemistry ) ( 5155/3&4 ) ,1h15mins
13May / Wed ->0800-1000 , Elementary Maths ( 4042/2 ) , 2h
1010-1120 , Recess
1130-1230 , Principles of Accounts ( 7091/1 ) , 1h
14May / Thur->0800-9300 , Principles of Accounts ( 7091/2 ) , 1h30mins
15May / Fri -> No Examination for H41B ( Amaths , Art )
18May / Mon ->0800-1315 , English Oral , Mother Tongue Oral ( CL & ML )
19May / Tues -> No Examination for H41B ( F&N , D&T )
Pupils are to report to school on Thursday 21May 2009.I assume the above imformation is correct , If there is any Errors , Please inform JunJie . Thanks
Those who seek help in any Subjects , please ask before the exams ! Dont wait ! Help each other ! xD